Drama Club Re-Union News
A ‘photographic’ reminder from last year’s Re-Union – and that this year’s one is being held on:
Saturday 26th September 2015 at the Royal Forest Hotel. From 7pm onwards

As in 2014, we have been able to book the use of the RFH Reception Room which is just on the left of the building as you enter from the front. The Room is available to us from 5.30pm so this can also be used for a meal if you intend to use the Restaurant facilities prior to the Re-Union – the Restaurant number is 0208. 523.7246.
AND – of course – ‘partners’ are more than welcome
Overnight Accommodation
The Royal Forest Hotel is now part of the Chef & Brewer Group and has a fairly new Premier Inn built onto the side of the original building. The telephone number is 0871 527 9386 if you want to book a room. There are also several non-chain hotels in the area plus other Premium Inns nearby at Waltham Abbey and Buckhurst Hill and a Travelodge in Chigwell. There is also a fairly new Holiday Inn Express just near where the Crooked Billet Pub used to be at the intersection of Chingford Road and the North Circular Road.
Markhouse Drama Club – New Website
If you ‘google’ into ‘Markhouse Drama Club’ you will find the beginnings of what will be our new and dedicated site for all of the Drama Club memorabilia
We are meeting again on the 18th August to start the process of sorting out the actual material that will be included under a variety of ‘headings’ – with these likely to include ‘production’ programmes, scripts, reports and newspaper clips and picture gallery, the history of the Drama Club, features on Cyril and Dick (including some of his music), A Re-Union Gallery, the history of Cathode Elysium Lights plus the CMMF Projects and Markovian Films – including ‘YouTube’ links to the full versions of their respective movie materials (including ‘Three’s A Crowd’ and ‘Daylight Robbery’ etc). There will also be a Current/Future News page and Membership links – and a feature on Markhouse School.
Almost, if not, all of the current material on Dick’s ‘Walthamstow History’ Website will be included – with this site continuing to run until around November of this year. Whilst it was felt that establishing a distinct Website for the Drama Club was the most practical way forward for us, there is a hope that someone from Dick’s other group of friends will continue the original site and thereby preserve all of the memorabilia that he amassed in relation to his ‘transport’ interests.
So – there is still much to be decided and if you have any ideas/requests etc, then either contact John or come along to the meeting at the County Hotel, Chelmsford at 11.30am on the above date and help us look through all the old pictures etc. Similarly, if in the meantime you decide to rummage around the attic and find some of your own Drama Club ‘history’ that might be useful for the website (as did both Hilary and John of late!) then please get in touch.
AND – Just an (ongoing!!!) CMMF Reminder!
There is still some project funding available – so if you have an idea about a possible activity, or some form of ‘link’ to a young person(s) or group that might be interested in a performing arts project – then please get in touch with me – just to chat it through!