Markhouse Drama Club
& the Cyril Malyon Memorial Fund
Festive Greetings
Whilst the main purpose of this very brief Newsletter is to confirm the result of the recent Website Appeal, we also wish to take this opportunity to send best wishes for the New Year and the hope that you and your family are well; also that you managed to enjoy some restful and safe time together over the festive period.
In terms of the Website Appeal, we are pleased to be able to report that this met with some success as a number of MDC members have also agreed to provide an annual Standing Order or Bank Transfer into the Website Account. This means that we now have 13 former members regularly supporting the website and increases our annual income up to £156 – thereby much closer to our target of matching the annual expenditure of just over £200.
We also received an immediate donation from another member and this means that we will be able to meet all of our annual website expenditure for 2022 and, as hoped, also have almost the equivalent amount as a ‘reserve’ for the future.
So – a good result and our thanks to all of those who have agreed to help in this way; as well as, of course, to those who have been financially supporting the website over the past number of years.
We still hope still to be able to get nearer to matching our annual income to the expenditure and so, if you are willing to help by way of an annual Standing Order or Bank Transfer, of no more than £12, then please get in touch with Peter at or Dave at
The next Newsletter is scheduled for early April and in addition to detailing some newly found memorabilia and ‘topping and tailing’ the new Members Gallery, it will include news of some success in our ongoing search for former members; also of our plan for a final CMMF Performing Arts Project that will return us to our ‘roots’ in Walthamstow – with its location hopefully being within just a stone’s throw of Markhouse!
We will also be asking you to put your thinking caps on to try and help us complete some of the missing cast lists and production dates in the final few years of the club.
In terms of more immediate news, we sadly heard of the loss of John Jones, at the age of 102, in late November at his home in the village of Clare, in Suffolk. Certainly all those MDC members who were also pupils of Markhouse School, will have known John Jones and of how he was a friendly, popular and very skilled art teacher who wanted to do his very best for the young people he taught.
We hope to be able to add some more detail about John’s post Markhouse career and life in the April Newsletter
In the meantime – Regards and Best Wishes for 2022 from June, Norma, Peter, John Denis & Dave