Unlike the previous year the Drama Club entries in the Essex Youth Drama Festival did not produce a winner in either the Junior or Senior sections of this, the ‘Area Round’ of the County wide competition – which was probably the reason why there was no comment, or further information about the performance or the cast, in the subsequent Walthamstow Guardian Report!
However, the fact that the Guardian report shows that this was the ‘District Round’, means that the Drama Club must have won the local ‘Walthamstow Round’.
It has also filled in a bit more detail of the Drama Club’s activities in its early days and, of course, added two more plays to the website’s production list; these being ‘Mute Witness’ and ‘Macbeth’ – albeit the latter only being an extract. However, extract or not, it at least enables us to claim that ‘we’ did some authentic Shakespeare and not just pantomime style corruptions of it – as in ‘Spot The Lady’