This project, initiated through former Markhouse Drama Club member Ray Aylott, was very much related to his experiences and concerns as a Community Police Officer working with many local young people and dealing with the pressures and issues of ‘knife crime’ – also upon his belief that peer education by the young people themselves is one of the most positive ways forward.
Through his regular link with the Harwich & Dovercourt High School, ‘Lives Not Knifes’ was developed with a group of their senior pupils – who devised, performed and filmed a short play conveying an important educational message about knife crime.
The project took place over a two day period with the scenes being filmed in various locations around Harwich – these depicting how the everyday activities, enjoyment and pressures of being a young person can quickly change to something more devastating when one of their group decides to carry a knife! The group made full use the film/video facilities at their school and the support of specialist tutors and Officers from the Essex Police Constabulary Media Unit – with the latter also producing a documentary film about the overall project –and arranging for the young people to have access to film in the local Police Station Cells
The resulting films of ‘Save Lives – Drop the Knives’, and the accompanying documentary made by the Essex Police Constabulary Media Unit, have both been used for training and educational purposes.
The photograph show Ray presenting the School’s Deputy Head Brenda with the CMMF Cheque
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The above photographs of ‘Save Lives – Drop the Knives’ are copyright to the CMMF and are shown with the agreement of the Harwich & Dovercourt High School, Essex.
Harwich and Dovercourt High School Film – ‘Save Lives – Drop the Knives’ – YouTube link: HDHS Anti-Knife Crime Advert:
Essex Constabulary Video Unit Documentary – YouTube Link: ‘Harwich Students produce anti knife crime video’ .
Introduced by Ray Aylott