This latest edition of the MDC Newsletter introduces the newly installed Members Gallery along with the results of the ‘Lockdown Rummaging’ by several members, some-School History ‘Updates’, ‘Catching Up with Friends’ , the outstanding CMMF Project at Tendring College and details of the most recent additions to the Website – plus this ‘unearthing’ of the School Badge!
January 2021 MDC Newsletter – Extract
This MDC Newsletter includes an update on the ‘Covid19’ postponed CMMF ‘Pocket Knife’ performing arts project for young people, news of some former members and school teaching staff and a small amount of new memorabilia in the ‘Production’ and ‘Markhouse’ pages.
April 2020 MDC Newsletter – Extracts
These latest additions to the Website include a number of Guardian and Walthamstow Independent Newspaper Reports on a couple of our plays and of activities and events within the school, some photographs of members, an article featuring Mr Smith in his post Markhouse work and even a copy of a Marsh Street Youth Centre Membership Card from 1976 – with its unbelievable reminder of the ‘more than value for money’ annual cost!
July 2019 MDC Newsletter – Extracts
This latest Newsletter includes updates on the ongoing search for former Markhouse Drama Club members, a recently established school website group on Facebook and plans for a further CMMF Performing Arts Project – or two!
January 2019 MDC Newsletter -Extracts
Website Additions – Memories – CMMF Projects – Former Members
Another ‘Mini’ Re- Union & Walthamstow High Street ‘Warning’